A bespoke art gallery website design for one of the world’s foremost fine art dealers and private treaty specialists

Simon C. Dickinson Ltd, one of the world’s most revered fine art dealers, came to us needing a brand new website. Their existing one was tired and dated and they wanted us to steer their digital offering into the future, to truly reflect their incredibly unique business.

After some strategic brand positioning work, we rolled up our sleeves and got on with it. One of the first things we realised was that their old art gallery website design was hosted by a company that also provided sites for various competitors around the world. And it’s probably fair to say (because we like straight talking) that it looked dated, ran off a primitive templated model and sold Dickinson way, way short.

So we started from scratch. One of the greatest art dealerships in the world couldn’t be seen with a rudimentary templated website! The new site might not rival Pissarro, Monet or Degas (to name just a few impressionists whose artworks Dickinson frequently handle) but we proudly think it is a mini digital masterpiece in its own right.

Now we don’t want to give away all our secrets but it is a truly bespoke creation. The build and back-end operations deliver an intuitive and flawless browsing experience and the design is inspired by the aesthetics behind the brand’s heritage and unparalleled global standing. And, of course, it’s all optimised for whatever browsing device is being used, be it laptop, tablet or smart phone.

If you require a custom website design we would love to hear from you. Please complete the enquiry form at the bottom of this page or head over to our website design services page to find out more.